
Showing posts with the label Death

Listen To Reggae Hour

Feel the Rhythm of Reggae: Listen to Reggae Hour!

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2020 Murdered Rappers

 Rappers Murdered in 2020 We Lost Alot This Year: The Hip Hop Community has always suffered tragedies. Me, Personally, the two hardest losses I've had to endear is the lost of Tupac and Nipsey Hussle, ironically two West Coast legends. The worst detail about all these deaths is that they happened by the hands of other black men. (Let me get on my soapbox real quick and say We need to stop this CRIME IN OUR COMMUNITIES, I don't believe in Black on Black Crime.)  But, in 2020 it seemed as, even though we all had it rough, rappers were literally targets especially in Dallas Tx. With shootings on almost every street, even Boosie got caught in the leg. Thankfully he survived.  But what about those that didn't well lets honor them by remembering their music: Bashar Barakah Jackson  (July 20, 1999 – February 19, 2020), known professionally as  Pop Smoke , was an American rapper, singer and songwriter. He was considered by many to be the face of  Brooklyn dril...

UPDATE: Juice WRLD may have popped pills prior to death.

Juice WRLD dead at 21 Juice WRLD dies at 21 from seizure. Juice WRLD falls dead after seizure at Chicagos Midway Airport Sunday. The county Medical examiner ruled that more tests have to be conducted to determine the Lucid Dreams rappers death. Apparently, law enforcement was called to search the rapper's claim and found marijuana in drugs. Check out the video below. Chicago police said Monday that city, state and federal agents searched luggage on his plane and allegedly found large quantities of marijuana and some suspected liquid cocaine. So we can just imagine from cases such as Chris Brown, and Botham Jean, that they will try to victimize the decease, if not try to blame Marijuana as the culprit of his demise. Though he does reflect on drug abuse in video "Lean With Me" in August of 2018, marijuana would not be the cause of his seizure. if anything it would have helped him to deal with it. Fuck one dose, I need two pills, two pills I'm lookin...