
Showing posts with the label Fraud

Listen To Reggae Hour

Feel the Rhythm of Reggae: Listen to Reggae Hour!

Discover the best in reggae music and culture. Tune in now to explore timeless classics and modern hits, and let the beats transport you to paradise. Don’t miss out!

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American Pharaoh: The Original This Is America

American Pharaoh Jase Harley was robbed At First, when I heard some rapper named Jase Harley called my boy Donald "Childish Gambino" Glover a house slave, I thought and who is this cat think he is DJango. But, after doing a little more research on him, I only have one question: HOW DID WE LET CHILDISH GAMBINO STEAL THIS MAN SONG? The resemblance of the songs screams more than simple biting or inspiration. This Is America Is Straight Hijacked. Now, we all know that artists are inspired by other artists, even to the point where back in the nineties, successful artists would not take a demo tape on fear of being accused of stealing songs. But, I haven't seen one article where Danny Glover is admitting he at least borrowed the New York rappers most Viral song American Pharaoh, to create This Is America. Which means the song is stolen.  One thing that Childish Gambino did do for the song is have an excellent choreographed video that encapsulated the entir...

Drake Racially Profiled?

So has Drake really been Racially Profiled. It wasn't that long ago, when Pusha T reminded some and showed the reest of the world Drake in Black Face. Some of us accepted it. Some of us made excuses for him, while others did not give him a pass on that reckless behavior. So it's with that in his recent past that makes me call BS on his accusation on being racially profiled at a casino. For one, Casinos only see Green, not black and white. That's like anti-Casino. But second, He never stated how he was racially Profiled, only that he was not allowed to spend his enormously large bank account in a casino. So I had to do a little investigating to find out the truth... What I mostly found was that the hotel and Casino was investigating the incident without any cooperation from the artist nor his entourage. Then, I decided to entertain the comment section of ParqVancouverBC Instagram posts and was astounded of all the Drakes fans Comments on his alleged altercatio...

Fraud Exam With Connie Lofton

Fraud Exam With Connie Lofton Bitconnect has been outlawed in Texas by the Securities Exchange Commissioner of the State of Texas. He deems that the cryptocurrency entity show to many signs of being a ponzischeme. The Texas regulator has been quoted saying: “BitConnect has disclosed virtually nothing about its principals, financial condition, or strategies for earning profits for investors. It has not provided a physical address in England. “Despite providing no information on how it will make money for investors – including the algorithms behind the Trading Bot – BitConnect is touting its investments as a “safe way to earn a high rate of return.” Get your diamonds more securely on the blockchain . “Investing in cryptocurrencies, however, carries significant risk because of regulatory and legal actions, competition from other cryptocurrencies, and the extreme volatility in the price of many cryptocurrencies.” Now this would prove very difficult separating Texans ...