
Listen To Reggae Hour

Feel the Rhythm of Reggae: Listen to Reggae Hour!

Discover the best in reggae music and culture. Tune in now to explore timeless classics and modern hits, and let the beats transport you to paradise. Don’t miss out!

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Consensual Rape?

Consensual Rape? Is there a such thing... Recently North Carolina passed a bill to broaden the definition of rape to include No even after consent is given.  NC Bill Here Some sees this as a victory for rape victims, some see this as an act to set men up. How do you feel about Consensual rape? Join us this Sunday as we discuss this topic call in 6417153580 code 475552 (does not support Metro PCS).

Why Do Opposites Attract?

Why Do Opposites Attract? So you wonder if you have a certain type, right? Take a look at all your Exes. Bet you that every last one of them were your complete opposite at the time you were dating them. It happens to us all. For some reason, We all have an uncanny attraction to the the contrast in our lives. Maybe its the adventure that intrigues us and compels us to chase down these dark alley of relationships. Join Mr. E Boss of the Southside Bosses and G Baby CEO of Live Fast Die Rich as we talk about WHY OPPOSITES ATTRACT.

It's That F.Y.E.

F.Y.E. Live On  B.O.S.S. Radio If the name doesn't say enough, the skills will. Battle rapper FYE joined me in a live phone conversation as we discussed his craft of decimating anyone who comes to his face lyrically. He talk about his origins and upbringing and even Kaepernick and the NFL Boycott. Three rounds of metaphorical analytical lyrical prowess. It's That F.Y.E.

Things People Do For Money

Things People Do For Money What would you do for a Klondike bar? That is the ultimate question. Nowadays people would do the most craziest things just for the dollar bill. So join us as we discussed the things people do for money...

Dedicated to Texas Survivors

This is for the Suvivors of Hurricane Harvey     Our Hearts and Prayers goes out to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. We all ask you to donate to JJ Watts Charity  for the survivors of Houston Floods as well all as Rockport and Corpus Christi. Lets all stand up as Humans and be one for this tragic incident.

Would you date a stripper?

To Date A Stripper  Or Not To Date A Stripper That Is The Question... Some say dating a stripper is taboo and not worth the time, except for a few dollars. While others say its every mans dream to sleep with a beautiful stripper for the rest of their lives. Come listen to how Men and women alike feel about... Dating A Stripper.

Ideal Love on The Passionate Love Hour

What Is IDEAL LOVE? Everyone has their idea of what ideal love means to them. But, everyone can agree there are no such things as perfect relationships. and relationships requires perfection thru work and faith. Come listen to Passionate love hour as we get around the city and ask people, "What is your idea of the ideal love?" You'll be surprised at their answers.