
Listen To Reggae Hour

Feel the Rhythm of Reggae: Listen to Reggae Hour!

Discover the best in reggae music and culture. Tune in now to explore timeless classics and modern hits, and let the beats transport you to paradise. Don’t miss out!

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Investing Trading Cryptos and More

Welcome to the Crypto Boom If you haven't heard of CryptoCurrency by now I must ask you, WHAT ROCK HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING UNDER? With the age of information right at your finger tips, theres no reason why anyone should have a hard time finding a hustle that can bring an end to the suffering of economic derailing. We all know that we are facing more and more social and private struggles that no one else has been able to solve. Even black social enigmas have been proven to be fruitless as they are always isolated to a specific problem. Not saying we should look for a cure all, but what if there was one? What if there was a way for everyone to participate in the rebuilding of society which has been exacerbated by Banking regulations and policies that aren't law but treated as such in the punishments that they dish out. Thats why Miguel Martin David Haynie and I have been discussing this innovative idea that has been taking over called the blockchain. A place where regulation f...

Coming Soon...

                            Jah Mhyrakle Music                                                 PRESENTS                                            RUINZ

Muzikal Explosion Double Album Release

M u z i k a l E x p l o s i o n : Judge Not Riddim//Precious Time Riddim Jah Myhrakle/ Abajonai Kush drops both of their riddim albums Saturday December 16th 2017 and for all my riddim heads these are two breathe taking albums. With jams like Faith Moves Mountains, Take Your Stand, Guild I and Hushhh, I can personally say this album is far from boring.  Listen to our interview with the two Riddim Stars as they talk about childhood, life, Riddim and more. Get to know the soon to be national sensations here on B.O.S.S. Radio.

Pat Ryan: OnTop

Pat Ryan Music Producer, Artist, Creative | YouTuber @ PatRyanOfficial 500,000 Plays and growing.Pat Ryan's Pull Up goes hard for any mood you are in... or getting ready for. Pat Ryan, Sonny Digital, PULL UP...

Lufkins Own Mopped Up Ent

Mopped Up Ent. On B.O.S.S. Radio Lufkin, Texas is a quiet city tuning up to make some major noise. With their persona of true southern hospitality, the art of living that streams through this town brings an essence to the mic that makes you feel at home. Desmond CEO of Mopped Up ENT. joined us on the phone in a live interview where he tells us of his days growing up in Lufkin and how the music scene was created in the 936. Take a listen to the beginning of a revolution in Lufkin.

Consensual Rape?

Consensual Rape? Is there a such thing... Recently North Carolina passed a bill to broaden the definition of rape to include No even after consent is given.  NC Bill Here Some sees this as a victory for rape victims, some see this as an act to set men up. How do you feel about Consensual rape? Join us this Sunday as we discuss this topic call in 6417153580 code 475552 (does not support Metro PCS).

Why Do Opposites Attract?

Why Do Opposites Attract? So you wonder if you have a certain type, right? Take a look at all your Exes. Bet you that every last one of them were your complete opposite at the time you were dating them. It happens to us all. For some reason, We all have an uncanny attraction to the the contrast in our lives. Maybe its the adventure that intrigues us and compels us to chase down these dark alley of relationships. Join Mr. E Boss of the Southside Bosses and G Baby CEO of Live Fast Die Rich as we talk about WHY OPPOSITES ATTRACT.