
Listen To Reggae Hour

Feel the Rhythm of Reggae: Listen to Reggae Hour!

Discover the best in reggae music and culture. Tune in now to explore timeless classics and modern hits, and let the beats transport you to paradise. Don’t miss out!

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Is chivalry dead ?

The Death Of Chivalry With Starr Next Sunday we will be discussing the question women have been asking for years. Is chivalry dead. Not just opening door and pulling out chairs. Does he still romance you, go out of his way just for a smile, and uplift your spirit? In our culture today many men have been taught that showing love is a sign of a week man. Along with being called simps, whipped, and in some cases tricks. Some cultures teach things such as happy wife happy life while others lead young men to believe that women are only subjects of their desires. Is society molding your relationship? Are you waiting for his feelings to change his cultural conditioning? Or have you changed your expectations to adapt to men of today? Join me, your host, Starr on this topic and many others every Sunday at 7 pm on #FSC #PassionHour B.O.S.S Radio 😘😘😘

Is The Door To Your Relationship Open

OPEN RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU IN? This Sunday on FSC's Passion Hour we open the discussion of Open Relationships. Would you mind, are you repulsed or is just a faint fantasy in the back of your mind. While Polygamy has become increasingly more popular in this generation. The term Open Relation is actually less complex than the former. It's where couples have a mutual agreement that relations can be sought elsewhere as long as there is an open line of communication. Sure strong relationships aren't determined by sex but can the very thing that ends so many unions also be the bonding adhesive in others.Also a special warm shout out to my sis Queen and Connie from MwahXM Radio for coming out and sharing with us last week  definitely Flashy Sassy and Classy ladies. Come join #FSC #PassionHour to hear more on the people's views of this subject. Sunday night at 7pm on B.O.S.S Radio 😘😘

Gadi La'Muud Interview

Live With Gadi La'Muud One of Alabamas finest, Gadi La Muud, joined us for a magnificent telephone conversation, as we discussed music, growing up in Mobile, Alabama, and and dreams of the future. Talking of his Tribal Society, talks of the community rebuilding surfaced  and must admit was very impressed by the mind on this young man and can see alot of potential in his efforts to bring more to the hiphop and rap industry.  Listen below as we talk and get to know GADI LA'MUUD

Does $$$ Determine Your "Job" At Home

BreadWinners Previously on F.S.C we discussed second chances, but this week we are going to talk about breadwinners. Sticking to the category of relationships we find that there are so many aspect to how one should work. Before the breadwinner typically made the only income in the household. Diamonds, a girl's best friend. More recently it has become modern to have/need multiple income in order to maintain a lifestyle. Usually there is one side in this type of partnership that makes more money. Also there are more women now in days who bring home a significantly higher gross than their significant others. So the topic of discussion now is should roles be determined by the digits on your check. Come join me, Starr, on #FSC #PassionHour to hear more on people's views on this subject. Sunday nights at 7pm on B.O.S.S Radio. Call in next week at 614-715-3580 code 475552 ( Does not work for Metro PCS ).

Fraud Exam With Connie Lofton

Fraud Exam With Connie Lofton Bitconnect has been outlawed in Texas by the Securities Exchange Commissioner of the State of Texas. He deems that the cryptocurrency entity show to many signs of being a ponzischeme. The Texas regulator has been quoted saying: “BitConnect has disclosed virtually nothing about its principals, financial condition, or strategies for earning profits for investors. It has not provided a physical address in England. “Despite providing no information on how it will make money for investors – including the algorithms behind the Trading Bot – BitConnect is touting its investments as a “safe way to earn a high rate of return.” Get your diamonds more securely on the blockchain . “Investing in cryptocurrencies, however, carries significant risk because of regulatory and legal actions, competition from other cryptocurrencies, and the extreme volatility in the price of many cryptocurrencies.” Now this would prove very difficult separating Texans ...

Investing Trading Cryptos and More

Welcome to the Crypto Boom If you haven't heard of CryptoCurrency by now I must ask you, WHAT ROCK HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING UNDER? With the age of information right at your finger tips, theres no reason why anyone should have a hard time finding a hustle that can bring an end to the suffering of economic derailing. We all know that we are facing more and more social and private struggles that no one else has been able to solve. Even black social enigmas have been proven to be fruitless as they are always isolated to a specific problem. Not saying we should look for a cure all, but what if there was one? What if there was a way for everyone to participate in the rebuilding of society which has been exacerbated by Banking regulations and policies that aren't law but treated as such in the punishments that they dish out. Thats why Miguel Martin David Haynie and I have been discussing this innovative idea that has been taking over called the blockchain. A place where regulation f...

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