Dejah Lewis- A Reggae Sensation

DEJAH LEWIS Reggae S3ensation Dejah Lewis from Kingston, Jamaica blessed the hosts of B.O.S.S. Radios Reggae Hour. Mr. E and Melanie Ann, during a lovely phone call Monday, April 26th, Dejah introduce herself and everyone talked reggae, life, collaborations tours and more. Denette Lewis aka Dejah Lewis was born on May 3, 1986, in Kingston Jamaica where she spent half of her childhood days in Clarendon and also where she first started singing at the age of 3 in church. She then moved back into Kingston at age 8, where she began to sing with her sister Noreta Lewis who at that time had won the JCDC Gospel Festival 2000 while she was attending the Kingston Technical High School. In school she began to enter into various school competitions such the JCDC School Festival where she receive a gold and several other medals for winning the singing competition. After finishing school, she started doing music full time, where she started working with gospel artist such as her sister Noreta Lewis...